Here it is. Again, me with my laptop and the internet connection in the middle of holiday.
Nothing special these days.
Not really, i mean it.
Spending my time, watching movies, learning something from em, lazy-ing on my bed. Really, nothing special.
I was just thinking and remember these guys. Actually, people.
Some of them are having much fun time, lucky time, spending money in it, or not at all. I thought that, "how lucky they are, hope that was me".
But some of them like they were not having heart in it, like half-hearted doing it. Like, i dont know. Like they are not be grateful with that all.
I know one two people like that.
First, i wanted to be like this girl. Strong, perfect, sooo different with me. But she took everything what i wanted to do. She just told everyone she like to do something that i've just told. Then i dont wanna be like her anymore. I dont wanna her strength or something. Then she told that she hate what she had, she didnt want to be there. Then i'm sure, i really dont wanna be like her.
Than second. Theres a guy whose being first skipping classes for something good. He liked it, and enjoyed it. But something in his head like 'he cant do something under pressure'. more if he's in a team, like he's the leader. i dont know, but something in him made us made him the leader. haa! But everything with him ruined. I hate those thing. Till we left him. "Sorry, but youre not helping", i really really wanted to tell him so. but hes gonna ignore me like always. He's so easy to give up something. well i dont know, but so far i notice.